01 June 2010

I'm pissed, so let me cook.

Today I'm feeling crabby. I don't really have a good reason for it either, which makes me crabbier. But I decided to make it up to my mom, for putting up with my foul mood, and try out some new recipes that she can use for her cooking business. The two recipes I used came from the righteous food blog, 101cookbooks. The first thing I made was Hummus en Fuego, using fire oil, made by heating olive oil with red pepper flakes. I held off on putting all the pepper flakes directing into the hummus because this batch is going to a mild friend, but for those who like it hot-I would advise putting all of the fire oil (and flakes floating on the bottom) in the hummus-it's a nice kick. 

My second endeavor was the Quinoa Skillet Bread. In my house, we eat quinoa by the quart and I thought it would be nice to enjoy our favorite staple food in a new way. I followed the recipe exactly except I held off on the cup of heavy cream just to keep it a little healthier, but I'm sure it's only more delicious with it! I used a cast iron skillet to bake the bread, which worked beautifully. The final product is similar to a moist cornbread, slightly sweet and nutty. mmm. 


  1. Im pissed, so im going out for pizza and beer

  2. Moms... they're there to buy the food, to hold their tongues while we cook and get bitchy when our rice burns and our cookies look like doggy doo, and they even stick it out to the end- to eat everything that we make, the good, the bad, and the ugly. What would we do without 'em?
