21 March 2010

Tex Mex Chili

I have come to the self-realization that I have a tendency to hoard food. Well, actually it was pointed out to me. I have always like to think of myself as keeping a well stocked pantry and this strategy has served me well over the years. However faced with the hard reality of all the non-perishable food I have stockpiled I have decided it was time to "eat down" my hoard. Tonight I have combined this effort with my project of cooking my way through Madhur Jaffery's "World Vegetarian" cookbook a la "Julia and Julia" only less systematic. It has been a fun adventure to shake up my routines and learn to use exotic herbs and spices such as kafir lime, curry leaf, culantro (like cilantro but not).

Tonight I mad a big pot of Tex Mex Chile to bring to work for lunches and only needed to purchas one green pepper! Had I not had my Madhur Jaffrey project I would not have come to such a flavorful and light Tex Mex Chili. Thank You Madhur!

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