29 May 2010

Biscuits from Heaven

Cory gave me the recipe for these amazing biscuits. I think she actually got it from Cook's Illustrated. THEY ARE THE BEST BISCUITS EVER. Since I started making them a few months ago, my friends request them all the time. This morning, I made them to complement omelets herbs fines and candied bacon for Marc, since he helped me fix my tire.

the makings of cheddar-chive biscuits

2 cups flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar

Cut in:
4 tbsp butter (more never hurts)

{this is where I add extras: cheddar cheese and chives, anyone?}

Fold in:
1 1/2 cups buttermilk

Scoop quarter-cupfuls onto a plate of flour, shape biscuits, arrange in a buttered, floured, round cake pan. Melt two tbsp butter, pour over biscuits.

Bake at 500 for 5 minutes, then 450 for 15 or until golden brown. YUM.

Serve with plenty of iced coffee.

{Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of the baked biscuits because they were gobbled up before I could take any.}