11 August 2010

Hamfest: A Festival of Lies

Logan and I were checking out the garage sales in small towns near Ithaca NY, when by fate we stumbled upon this little number.

 We whipped the car around to check out this festival celebrating one of the most prized meats... Ham.  As we pulled into the festival that would surely be full of prized princess pigs and wonderful ham sandwiches I noticed this second sign.

A Ham Radio!!  Wow, they really are going all out.  A whole radio show dedicated to hams.  This is my kind of town!!  But when we entered we didn't see any pigs...

... we just some older guys with electronics and rusty hardware peices.  Not my idea of a Hamfest.  HRRRMPPHH!


  1. This typical bait and switch to attract millions of people to an event (antique radio operators) that at last count drew 8 people in 2009. I have filed a complaint to the IHA (International Ham Association)in an effort to stop this madness. The good thing is you can't fool Hammy.

  2. Joe, isn't anyone out there eating anything yummy? Where are the posts? I don't feel like cooking, want to enjoy food vicariously...
